Sunday 11 September 2011

'Bredon Hill': 'What do we learn about life in Ludlow from this poem?'

Post your TWO PEE chains onto the blog, making sure that you have met ALL of the Assessment Objectives (AOs. Please put your names on your PEE chains.


  1. In the 'bredon hill'we learn that the life in ludlow was nice
    "a happy noise to hear"
    this shows that bredon hill is a nice and pleasant place to live. the word 'happy' tells us that its a happy place to live and a cheery place.

  2. In bredon hill we learn that the life in ludlow was a very religous place.
    "come all to church, good people"
    this tells us that the village want everyone to come to church and worship god.'good people' tells us that your only a good person if you come to church and pray.

  3. Ludlow is a peaceful and tranquil village, i know this beacause the poem says " the bells they sound so clear." this implies that there is not a lot of people and cars to drown out the noise of the church bells.

    we know the village of ludlow is religous because it says "come all to church, good people;" this shows the church wants to welcome anyone to the christian community.

  4. In ‘Bredon Hill’, we learn that life in Ludlow was quiet and happy.
    “The bells they sound so clear;
    Round both the Shires they ring them,
    In steeples far and near,
    A happy noise to hear.”
    This suggests it was peaceful enough to hear the bells from two different counties so clear as if it was right next to you. The word ‘clear’ suggest that something is really peaceful and you can see right through it. Clear can also represent fresh, calm and clean. The words ‘near’ and ‘hear’ implies that everything thing seems so close together, community wise and hearing happy noises with no bad ones. The poet who writes this seem to be a happy person and only likes to write happy stuff.

  5. In "Bredon Hill" we learn that the people of ludlow come together in times of sorrow:
    "groom there was none to see,
    The mourners followed after,
    and so to church did she"
    This shows that a death can bring the community together , the community in ludlow is very close demonstrated by the wife that does not normaly go actualy goes for once.
    The word "mourners" implies that it is a very sad time this word used by the poet can bring the mood down very suddenly.

  6. In the poem "Bredon Hill" we can see that Ludlow is a small and peaceful town:
    ‘The bells they sound so clear;
    Round both the shires they ring them
    In steeples far and near’
    This shows that the town is small and cosy, that every thing is close by and relaxed. The quote ‘both the shires’ shows that it’s a small town that gets on with its neighbouring town and invites them to church on a Sunday. The word ‘clear’ tells us that Ludlow is a quiet, peaceful town.

  7. In ‘Bredon Hill’, we learn that life in Ludlow was religious.
    “Come all to the church, good people;
    Good people come and pray.”
    The word ‘good’ makes you think because of their religion it makes people behave and make Ludlow a happy place to live. ‘Come all to the church’ suggest every one who lives there all religious and love to go to church on a Sunday.

  8. In Bredon Hill we learn that life in Ludlow was quite, simple, happy, peaceful and beautiful. 'The bells they sound so clear, round both the shires they ring them, in steeples far and near, a happy noise to hear.' This shows that the town is quite. The words clear and happy show that Ludlow is a peacful and joyful place to live. The poet has used poetic devices; a rhyume of the words 'clear' and 'hear'. The words hes used to rhyme are happy words implying hes happy and content with his life.

    In Bredon Hill we learn that life in Ludlow was quite, simple, happy, peacful and beautiful. ' And see the coloured counties, and hear the larks so high, about us in the sky.' This shows that Ludlow is a beautiful and peacful place to live. The word 'coloured' implies that the counrtyside is colourful beacuse of the different colours of the fields. The poets used a ryhme of the words high and sky which are both positive words to imply that the poet is happy and content with their life.

  9. shernice kailla
    In 'Bredon hill' we learn that life in Ludlow was relgious
    'and we hear the chime
    and come to church on time'
    this shows that people in ludlow always go to church and know when to go by the chimes of the church bells.the word 'church' implies that people in ludlow often go to church which shows that they must be rather religious.

    In 'Bredon hill' we learn that life in ludlow is quiet and peaceful.
    'the bells would ring to call her
    many miles away'
    this shows that the town is a queit place being as the chimes are heard from other villages or towns. the words 'miles away'showes that the surounding villages are also quiet as the chimes can be heard.

  10. in brendon hill we learnt that life in ludlow is a wondeful place to live, this implies that the lightsthe fields this shows that the people who live hear likes where they live and thinks its a beautiful place to live it also seems like the village has alot of hills around it.

    in brendon hill , we learnt that life in ludlow was simple and beautiful we know this becaouse in the poem, it says ' and see the coulored countries, and hear the larks so high about us in the sky' this shows that people in ludlow seem like they like where they live and it also seems like a happy place to live .

  11. Paragraph 1:
    In “Bredon Hill”, we learn that life in Ludlow is very reliant on church: “Come to church good people, good people come to pray.” This shows in 1914 everyone went to church so then they could be considered “good people” I think one of the reasons they wanted to be “good people” was because they wanted to get into heaven after death. I think this makes the poet have a good feeling because he was going to church so he could be considered as a good person.

    Paragraph 2:
    In “Bredon Hill”, we learn that people in Ludlow think that the ringing of church bells is a good sound: “In summertime on Brendon, The Bells they sound so clear, Round both the shires they ring them, in steeples far and near, A Happy noise to hear”. This Implies that people in Ludlow thing that the sound of bells make people think of happy thoughts. This poem also implies that the poet likes the church bell sound.
